Colorectal cancer screening
In our practice, which specializes in the treatment of stomach and bowel diseases, we place great emphasis on the prevention of bowel cancer. Bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, but with early detection and treatment, the chances of recovery are very good. We would therefore like to explain to you why bowel cancer screening is so important and how it is carried out.
Why is colorectal cancer screening important?
Colorectal cancer often develops from precursors, so-called polyps, which can grow into cancer over the course of many years. These polyps may not cause any symptoms for a long time, which makes early detection of bowel cancer difficult. However, with regular screening examinations, such polyps can be detected early and removed before they develop into cancer.
At what age and how often should you have a check-up?
The recommendations for colorectal cancer screening can vary depending on your personal risk. In general, it is recommended to have regular screening tests from the age of 50. If you have a family history of bowel cancer, earlier and more frequent screening may be advisable. Your doctor can give you an individual recommendation based on your health history and risk profile.
How is colorectal cancer screening carried out?
Screening usually involves two main methods: a stool test for occult blood and a colonoscopy.
- Stool test: A small stool sample is taken at home and examined in the laboratory for occult blood that is not visible to the naked eye. This test is usually carried out once a year and is not always completely conclusive.
- Colonoscopy: This is an effective method for examining the entire colon and directly detecting and, if necessary, removing polyps or other abnormalities. A colonoscopy is usually recommended every 10 years, unless there are reasons for a more frequent examination.
Both methods are important tools in the early detection of colorectal cancer. Colonoscopy offers the advantage that polyps that could potentially lead to cancer can be removed immediately.
What can you do yourself?
In addition to attending screening tests, you can reduce your risk of bowel cancer by adopting a healthy lifestyle. This includes a balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and wholegrain products, regular exercise, avoiding tobacco and drinking alcohol in moderation.
If you have any questions about bowel cancer screening or would like to make an appointment for a screening examination, we will be happy to help you at our practice. Together we can make an important contribution to your health and well-being.